Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Galahad found a home!

i am very happy to say Galahad found a new home yesterday. i had put him on craigslist, and had a few responses. i had emailed with a lady a few times, but was having a hard time setting up a time for her to see him, working nights makes it hard. anyways, i got a call from her husband, she was at work, he was home and wanted to surprise her when she got home. i took him over to meet their dog, a beautiful australian cattle dog mix. they got along and their dog kept trying to get Galahad to play. he is going to live a good life, never be hungry again. they said they will update me on how he is doing, and i will update it here.

Monday, March 29, 2010

It has been 4 months

it has been four months since i posted anything here. it has been a long winter, i have been working two jobs, and still taking care of all the critters and even running the team some, though not enough to enter any races. there is much i want to post about, but time is hard to come by, spring is just around the corner, there are fences needing repair, gravel to be put down, and i still have to go to that pesky job of mine. i did come home late one night after work (just about a week ago) and one of my shetland ewes had given birth to a little black ram. he was all dry and nursing well when i got home and went out to feed. his name is "Lambchop" he is very cute, always doing something to make me say "awwww, that is the cutest thing ever" then he does something even cuter. i also have two goats due to kid any day, one is a Boer goat and one is a Toggenberg, and another that may be pregnant that a friend gave me a few months ago, she is a Lamancha/Toggengerg/Alpine. i am looking forward to making some cheese and i may even try making some goat's milk "beer"