Friday, August 14, 2009


well i decided it was about time to blog. i do not have a lot of extra time on my hands, so progress will be slow at times. this blog was created as a place to try to educate people about dogs. dog care, breed standards, dog sports, treating our canine companions well and anything else that i come across. i am alway open to suggestions for dog topics. one of the first topics i am going to discuss is the near starvation of a husky i took from a fella in the neighborhood last november. i have had this story bottled up for too long.
well i have to be going to work now, it is friday night and i have lots of intoxicated people to deal with i am sure.


  1. Well, very well put!! I have seen dogs like that and it is very bad. I am glad you spoke out for him. It is about time we do this on all the dogs we have rescued. AND YOU decided to do it and not just (like a lot of people that see it but do not want to cross the line and take it in thier own hands)turn away and hope someone else will do it.
    I commend YOU in taking the action and taking care of this dog. Sled dogs are part of what most peole do not understand, they love what they do and will do it for the thrill of running and will do it for thier owners. BUT they will do, as this dog, starve just to live and hope the person they love will take care of them.
    Again well put in your action!!! I guess I taught you right as some of the dogs when you lived here we rescued.
    Your MOM and the dogs..

  2. thank you mom, for instilling in me my love of animals. sometimes it is so hard, i want to give up, and not ever take another one in, but i have to do it, it is my calling in life. even if it means i eat ramen for a month to help out an animal in need, i will do it. it is in my nature. would you all still love me if i were were not me?

  3. What a great blog! You have so much knowledge, so many things to teach people, and live by example with cute, friendly, athletic dogs that are fit, happy, and healthy! I look forward to you getting a good following in the dog community!! Your friend, Ben

  4. Well Jodi, I am glad:::: I am so PROUD of YOU and sure thank you for remembering I instilled this type of thinking.
    How many animals, from dogs, horses even goats did we rescue???
    Now here in Washington, I just got some Pom/Chi 6 month old pups loaded with fleas and all supper afraid of new things. Now it will take awhile before I find homes for them.
    I did take them and they are now flea free, and doing great with my PITS and my Poms and ofcource my 14 yr old hairless Zolo dog. They both are a coming up to me from the back BUT will, when sitting, be up in your arms.
    I am sure with a few weeks they will be able to be a great addition to a new home. Ok after I start house breaking them, the other person just let all of her dogs do thier stuff in the house. Oh for anyone that thinks I should have reported this, They have moved and a few of us took the time to help THE DOGS and now we have them to find homes for them.
    THIS is what it takes to help. IT might not be a huge thing, BUT even one or two dogs we can take in and save,, WE can help.
    It now starts with a small step with YOU when you see some one or two dogs need help in finding a home or being starved. Maybe the owner does not care OR cares BUT does not see what is happening under thier nose. OR maybe one person that has small dogs in the house and does NOT see one that is unhealthy.
    As now we have to see and help. Jodi did it and I did it with the 2 pups. Me I just told the lady they would have great home, which they will when they are healthy and going to a great home.
    Maybe it will take one person and one dog at a time and not just letting people just think the Humane Society is the only thing.
    OH do not get me wrong, OUR Humane Societies and Rescues do a GREAT WORK, BUT it us little people that CAN help too!!!! Just think one person,,, one dog/pup.
    I show nd have Grand National Champs in the show ring BUT I do what I can when I can and boy do I do it.
    Just Jo and her dogs..

  5. ahh, you really did rub off on me, eh? you are right, one person can make a difference. even if you can not take a dog into your home you can donate blankets or toys at your local animal shelter, donate even a small amount of money (even just $5 helps) or check if the shelter has a program where you walk the dogs or play with them. every litle bit helps.
